Maggie makes visual essays about programming, design, and anthropology.

Designer, anthropologist, and mediocre developer
Currently leading design at

The Garden

A digital garden is a collection of imperfect notes, essays, and ideas growing slowly over time. Learn more


Opinionated, longform narrative writing with an agenda


Loose, unopinionated notes on things I don’t entirely understand yet.

Joining Ought

Positioning Elements & Scrollytelling in CSS

The Block-Paved Path to Structured Data

Building a Second Brain: The Illustrated Notes

Interoperable Personal Libraries and Ad Hoc Reading Groups

The Eponymous Laws of Programming


Frequently Asked Questions

The Finest Narrative Non-Fiction Essays

A Picture Worth a Thousand Programmes

Pink, Soft, Glittering Developers

The Best Illustration Books and Courses


Design patterns gathered from my own observations and research.


Books I’ve read and books I like the idea of having read.

View on Google Books
Blockchain Chicken Farm

Blockchain Chicken Farm

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Don't Sleep There are Snakes

Don't Sleep There are Snakes

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The Essence of Software

The Essence of Software

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Human-Machine Reconfigurations: Plans and Situated Actions

Human-Machine Reconfigurations: Plans and Situated Actions

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The Ministry for the Future

The Ministry for the Future

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The Utopia of Rules

The Utopia of Rules

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Computers as Theatre

Computers as Theatre

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Everything, All the Time, Everywhere

Everything, All the Time, Everywhere