
Loose, unopinionated notes on things I don’t entirely understand yet.

Joining Ought

evergreen Noteabout 1 month ago

Positioning Elements & Scrollytelling in CSS

budding Noteabout 1 month ago

The Block-Paved Path to Structured Data

budding Note2 months ago

Building a Second Brain: The Illustrated Notes

evergreen Note4 months ago

Interoperable Personal Libraries and Ad Hoc Reading Groups

budding Note6 months ago

The Eponymous Laws of Programming

budding Note8 months ago


evergreen Note8 months ago

Frequently Asked Questions

seedling Note8 months ago

The Finest Narrative Non-Fiction Essays

budding Note8 months ago

A Picture Worth a Thousand Programmes

evergreen Note9 months ago

Pink, Soft, Glittering Developers

seedling Note9 months ago

The Best Illustration Books and Courses

evergreen Note9 months ago

Pattern Languages in Programming and Interface Design

seedling Note9 months ago

The Cultural Anthropology of React

budding Note10 months ago

A Meta-Tour of This Site

budding Note10 months ago

Tracking Humanity

seedling Note11 months ago

A Metaphorical Reading Collection

seedling Note11 months ago

Illustrating Gatsby's Key Concepts

evergreen Note11 months ago

New Harvest & Illustrating the Cultivated Meat Podcast

budding Note11 months ago

Making Programming Visual, Spatial, and Learnable

budding Note11 months ago

Plebeian Programming with Keyboard Maestro

seedling Note12 months ago

Natureculture, Moral Purity, and Cultural Boundaries

seedling Noteabout 1 year ago

Tending Evergreen Notes in Roam Research

budding Noteabout 1 year ago

The Echo & Narcissus Writing Club

evergreen Noteabout 1 year ago

What App is That?

evergreen Noteover 1 year ago

The Linear Oppression of Note-taking Apps

seedling Noteover 1 year ago

Douglas, Dirt, and Matter Out of Place

budding Noteover 1 year ago

Fetishism & Mechanical Keyboards

seedling Noteover 1 year ago

Painting Roam Research with Custom CSS

evergreen Noteover 1 year ago

Are Data Unions the Future of Data?

budding Noteover 1 year ago

A History of Cyborgs

budding Noteover 1 year ago

A Digital Anthropology Reading List

budding Notealmost 2 years ago

GreenSock Animations with React Hooks

budding Notealmost 2 years ago

Drawing the Invisible: React Explained in Five Visual Metaphors

budding Notealmost 2 years ago

The Bare Essentials of Greensock

budding Notealmost 2 years ago

The Gift Economy

budding Noteabout 2 years ago

Synecdoche: Drawing the Part for the Whole

seedling Noteabout 2 years ago

How to Become a Neo-Cartesian Cyborg

evergreen Noteabout 2 years ago

Growing the Evergreens

evergreen Noteabout 2 years ago

The Knowledge Hydrant

seedling Noteabout 2 years ago

A Naive Exploration of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning

budding Noteabout 2 years ago

Silent Synchronous Reading Sessions

seedling Noteabout 2 years ago

What the Fork is React Suspense?

evergreen Noteabout 2 years ago

Visually Workshopping the AWS Cloud

evergreen Noteabout 2 years ago

Fixing Common Git Mistakes

evergreen Noteover 2 years ago

The Dark Forest and the Cozy Web

budding Noteover 2 years ago

A Chat with Henry Zhu on OSS & Gift Economies

evergreen Noteover 2 years ago

Defend Your Cookies with Essential Web Security Tactics

evergreen Noteover 2 years ago

What the Fork is xState?

evergreen Noteover 2 years ago

A Journey into Vue-Router

evergreen Noteover 2 years ago

What the Fork is Rust?

evergreen Noteover 2 years ago

The Art and Craft of Gatsby Themes

evergreen Noteover 2 years ago

JavaScript Bits You Skipped the First Time Around

evergreen Noteover 2 years ago

Building Custom React Hooks

evergreen Notealmost 3 years ago

Immutable Data with Immer and Personal Assistant Bots

evergreen Noteabout 3 years ago

Speaking the GraphQL Query Language

evergreen Noteabout 3 years ago

A Fresh Serving of JavaScript ES2019

evergreen Noteabout 3 years ago

The JAMStack, Gatsby & Contentful

evergreen Noteabout 3 years ago

Instachatting with Vue & Socket.io

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago

Building VR Apps with React360

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago

Testing Apps with Cypress

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago

How Are Compilers & Transpilers Different?

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago

A Fruitful Guide to JavaScript's Comparison Operators

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago

What the Fork is Babel?

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago

JSX is a Lovechild

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago

What the Fork is the React Virtual DOM

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago

JavaScript's ...spread Operator

evergreen Noteover 3 years ago